Fellow Pastors and friends Drew Berryessa and Mark Kroeker talk through some of the most difficult and challenging questions around sexual identity, LGBTQ+, conversation therapy, and so much more. Through over 25 years of ministry to the sexually broken, Drew has encountered every question imaginable and we do our best to provide biblical and grace filled responses to some of the most common questions.
Healing starts with Jesus and by acknowledging our need for him. In this response we dialogue about the biblical truth around the redemptive love of Jesus and the hope that is offered to all who believe in Him.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is full of truth and grace, and the response to this question it is also an important reminder of the goodness of God and the hope He offers no matter what we are walking through.
This is such a broad question that brings up so many other questions. What we are trying to unpack is what it means to be image bearers of God, and have a biblical ethic as men and women.
When we look at the model of how Jesus lived, we see this perfect tension between truth and grace. He wasn’t afraid to be seen with or spend time around the sinners of his day, he also wasn’t afraid to proclaim the truth. We unpack this difficult and powerful truth in our response.
Our kids are learning about sexuality and it is either us, the parents, teaching them or it is our culture, media, and influencers shaping their view of sexuality. Lets explore how to have difficult conversations with our kids.
It is difficult to know how to live in the tension of conviction and comfort. In this response Drew speaks from his own experience and shares wisdom for living in tension.
There are a whole lot of naratives that surround “conversion therapy” and most of them are perpetuated by those who want to make it illegal to practice in any setting. Drew spends time sharing about conversion therapy and dismantling some of the claims for why it should be made illegal.
In this question we explore the research that has been done on the “gay” gene and explore the truth around gender dysphoria. Spoiler. No, people are not born with an sexuality that outside of God’s intended plan, design, and identity for them.
Speaking Inquiries.
“We would all do well to ask ourselves: Does the way I live out and communicate marriage and sexuality help people move closer to God or does it create additional barriers and push people farther away from Him?”