Recently a mom reached out to us for support. Here is a question that she asked:
My transgender daughter requested that we use only masculine pronouns when referring to her in conversation. We want to honor her, but we feel this is empowering a false identity. What is the appropriate response?
Grab your coffee as we discuss.
There is an incredible amount of grief that comes with your child requesting this. We don’t minimize the heartache and the stress that this must be on you.
Do you have to be transgender to have gender dysphoria? The answer is NO.
What can you do to come to a place of respect without partnering with deception?
As a parent, how can you walk in humility and take responsibility for what you can so that you can love your child well?
Jesus is not in heaven saying, “What have they come up with now? This is an issue that I have no idea how to address!” No—broken sexuality has been a part of the history of humanity, and Jesus can help us learn how to navigate these crucial issues.
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