Equipping the Church through transformed hearts.
“As a result of our ministry, you are living letters written by Christ, not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God—not carved onto stone tablets but on the tablets of tender hearts.” 2 Corinthians 3:3

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The Book
Drew’s book, “Are We There Yet?” is a must read.
Find resources and learn about biblical sexuality.
Reach out with questions or if you are inserted in booking Drew to speak.
Read through relevant articles and opinion pieces.

Our mission is to build up the Church to understand and respond to the issues of sexual brokenness from a fully biblical foundation, equally rooted in truth and love.
The issue of sexuality has fractured the Body of Christ. The Church is often unequipped to address this current crisis, and even within faithful, doctrinally sound churches, many within their walls have beliefs about sexuality that are in direct opposition to God’s purpose and intent for sexuality and gender.
The Body of Christ needs to recapture a Gospel perspective of God’s powerful and redemptive sanctification in the lives of believers who will submit their sexuality faithfully to His Lordship.
“Are We There Yet?: Sexuality, the Church, and the Road to Transformation “
Speaking Inquiries.
“We would all do well to ask ourselves: Does the way I live out and communicate marriage and sexuality help people move closer to God or does it create additional barriers and push people farther away from Him?”
Drew regularly speaks to churches, conferences, denominational groups, leaders, para-church organizations, youth groups, camps, and colleges. He shares his testimony of redemption, a gospel response to homosexuality and sexual/relational brokenness, as well as pastoral perspectives for discipling the broken.
Our ministry team is more than happy to design a message or seminar to your specific group's needs.